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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: LV, NV
Posts: 65

Old May 22nd, 2017, 10:51 AM
Hi folks;
Been a while, work swamped me and ...stuff. So I fell behind on the updates to RW and now that life has settled into a more sane pace was interested in taking a peek at the content market's listings. I didn't expect much mind you, do I say this without sounding like a complete jackass?

I love what Lone Wolf does, really I do. I have dropped a fair bit of $$ and am happy to do so because the tool is just outstanding. But...your store's interface leaves a great deal to be desired. Yes, we navigate it, and we've adapted to its quirks...but I routinely have to take new people that I turn onto HL and show them how to get at the data packs they want.

With RW's content market I'm at a total loss as to how one accesses the market to browse the wares. Every reference I've looked at for the last 30 minutes or so tells me how wonderful it is, guidelines for creating it, and what it's future is...but no where is there a link or set of instructions telling me where/how I could buy a content piece or look at what's available. If there is then I totally missed it and admittedly, I've been absent for a while but at the same time, this is a level of obstacle I just don't have the patience for these days.

So could someone kindly tell me where the 'store' is? TIA
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