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Posts: 35

Old November 16th, 2007, 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by apollo0681
Originally Posted by belgarath97
Originally Posted by naloth
Originally Posted by apollo0681

1 starred??? not sure what u mean
Characters that take more than one hero slot have an asterisk (*) beside the H in the composition column. Like the Exalted Daemon.
It's a by product of the dragon. The way it is currently setup is the mage takes one slot the dragon the other. In the example of the Exalted Demon the unit is tagged twice in the taggroup window of ABCreator as Comp-Hero.

To get the asterisk, you need to remove the code that makes a dragon take a hero slot from the heDragos unit ID, and add a second tag in the taggroup window of ABCreator for Comp-Hero.

And no problem with the help, I just stumbled on the code in the profCore procedure in the genericstuff file, and figured out the correct tag to create an if then statement using the race as the criteria. I ripped it off the code for the Dwarf dispell dice calculations. Then it was a matter of getting the math right.
1. im still not sure how to fix it to get the asterix.
2. however u said "you need to remove the code that makes a dragon take a hero slot from the heDragos unit ID, and add a second tag in the taggroup window of ABCreator for Comp-Hero"

if i do this it will stop the dragon counting as a hero slot. wont it? it says on page 93 that any dragon takes up a hero slot so whether its a prince or dragon mage or archmage they all take up an extra slot becuase of the dragon nothing to do with the fact its a dragon mage. sorry if im missing your point altogether but im not sure how to fix the problem anyhow
Absolutly correct, it's a matter of semantics, the dragonmage unit takes 2 slots. It doesn't really matter if the mage it 2 slots and the dragon is 0, or if they both are 1 a peice. It amounts to the same thing. Personally I say you leave it the way it is. But if the community it going to be thrown off by the lack of an asterisk, the solution is for the mage to take both slots and the dragon 0.

The major difference here is that the Prince and Archmage have the dragon as an option while the dragonmage is forced to take the dragon. Thus to anyone who doesn't realize how Army Builder allocates the dragon it may be misleading.

I think the solution is to include something in the design info like this "The Dragonmage is always mounted on a Sun Dragon, which takes up an additional hero slot." And leave the code alone.
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