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Old November 11th, 2007, 08:01 AM
Entering a Race now, Baaz Draconian from Dragons of Krynn, and I'm having trouble with the implementing of natural weapons. Baaz have 2 claws (thier primary) and a Bite (secondary, takes a -5 penalty) I can't seem to figure out how to designate the claws as primary so they don't take the -5 penalty.

Looking through the already entered races, they all have the "wClaw" or "wBite" thing bootstrapped to the race with a Autotag group of wMain and then a Tag that varies from weapon to weapon. I think the Tag must determine the damage of the weapon, which I have correctly at base d4, but incorrectly getting only 1/2 str bonus... My best guess is that the Tag also somehow determines primary and secondary attack characteristics, and wMain must refer to main/off hand.

Interestingly, it looks like the Troll and the Gargoyle and possibly others with natural attacks (I have not checked others) are also registering all thier natural attacks as secondary. I think this might be a bug

So, just to sum up, my problems are.
1: Can't specify the wClaw thing as a primary weapon so it doesn't suffer -5 to attack and get 1/2 str bonus to damage
2: Possible bug in current implementation of natural attacks for races already added.

By the way, thanks for helping me out. I really like how customer friendly your company is, and I'll just continue to post questions in this thread as I run up against problems.
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