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Old January 31st, 2017, 08:44 PM
I am running HL 8.0b. I added a "Case, crossbow bolt" on the Gear tab. When I try to move my crossbow bolts to that container, it is not showing up as a container option. I can see other containers (backpack, pouch, and quiver), but the crossbow bolt case is not showing as a container option. I created a custom container with the same name as a workaround, but I wanted to make you aware that the stock one is not functioning as a container.

Also, the PHB states that some items can be strapped to the outside of a backpack in addition to the carrying capacity (e.g. bedrolls, rope, etc.). Any thoughts on implementing this an option on backpacks? Much like the crossbow bolt case, I created a custom container called "Strapped to Backpack" and put the items there. This might be the best solution (a very easy work-around), but I figured I should at least mention this to see if you think there is some way to actually incorporate that into the backpack item.

Incidentally, where are the main data files for 5e located? I see all the COM files under ProgramData, but I was curious where the core ones are so that I could potentially try to fix things like this myself when I find them as I sometimes can do with d20 (and of course report them here so any fixes can be incorporated into future patches). Or, are they in files within that folder that cannot be opened by the editor (e.g. the .hlz or .pkg files)?

Last edited by Atrius; January 31st, 2017 at 09:05 PM.
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