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Old September 3rd, 2016, 06:28 PM
Thanks for the info, but I already knew that part.


I'd normally agree with you but this ability covers even weapons treated as rapiers. My problem is getting the weapon type. like raper, from a field[usrChosen1.chosen . . . so I can somehow use it in a Foreach loop . . .

For example, if I chose a rapier from my weapons dropdown, I need my Foreach loop to search all the weapons on the hero for rapiers and weapons that are treated as rapier. Then eachpick will be granted abilities based on the level of the hero.

For example if you have chosen rapiers as your favored weapon, then at first level they are treated as a non-magical +1 weapon (on attack & damage rolls).

What I am having issues with is getting the weapon type, either thingid.Rapier or IsWeapon.Rapier out of the choice dropdown and into my

foreach pick in hero from BaseWep where “thingid.Rapier or IsWeapon.Rapier

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