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Zaphod Beebledoc
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Birmingham, UK
Posts: 459

Old August 29th, 2016, 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
Realm Works is currently a 32-bit product. As such, it can only use a maximum of 4GB (best case), regardless of how much RAM your computer has installed.

There is no way to remove or replace the image without first loading the smart image into the content pane. So you'll need to load the smart image, clear its image, and then select the new image in its stead. After doing this for some number of images, you may end up crashing due to the out-of-memory issue. At that point, you should be able to restart and resume where you left off. You should not find yourself unable to restart, since the issue is memory fragmentation, which gets reset when you restart.
I've just ordered some replacement RAM for my laptop to double it up to 8GB. Should help a bit

Originally Posted by rob View Post
In other news, I'm just silly tired. I saw your signature at the bottom of your posts and misread "Mythras" as "Zathras", which made me go WTF and laugh out loud. The thought of somebody playing Zathras as a PC is absolutely hilarious. For those not familiar with Zathras, he's a fantastic character from the old Babylon 5 TV show (from back in the mid-90s). Here's a link to a classic scene of his below. Now imagine a game where someone plays him as a PC. I'll just sit back with a bucket of popcorn and watch...
I haven't watched the show in a while. Cheers for that!

Originally Posted by Zathras
Zathras. Zathras. Zathras.

Sleet was enjoying a tasty beverage at his local tavern, when a Tarrasque showed up in the local area. He managed to valiantly get on it's back and ride it. How he did it is a mystery to this day...

RW: Engine Heart, I Love The Corps! Home Brew: Star Gate: Avalon, Monda Minutia. I'm good with: OpenOffice, Paint, Lego Digital Designer. & not so good with: Realm Works, Hero Lab, CC3+, GIMP, Cityographer, Hexographer, Fractal Mapper, AstroSynth, Inspiration Pad Pro. RW Kickstarter Supporter.
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