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Old July 4th, 2016, 04:31 PM
Well, bummer. I figured out how the JavaScript code actually works (pretty dense programming! Impressive!). I knew that the portfolio had the containers and items contained recorded in it, so I figured I could create a mapping by reading the original portfolio, then use that same mapping in the HTML sheet. Unfortunately, there are no identifiers anywhere on the equipment! It's just the name of the item and that's it. So there's no way to relate a "backpack" in the portfolio to a "backpack" on the HTML sheet.

That might be a bad example, since a character is likely only carrying one of them, but use a bandolier or belt pouch, where the same item name can appear multiple times and represent separate objects, and you can begin to see why there's no way to associate a given item to a particular container. Sigh.

So, everyone who's interested in having containers work on output sheets, file a bug report with LWD asking for container support in output sheets. If enough people ask for it, maybe they'll bump it up the priority chart.

I can't imagine it's that tough since the information is already there, it's just a matter of exporting it to the output sheet. Simplest thing for them to do is add the "index" attribute of every pick from the portfolio to the output sheet, then add the "holder" attribute for gear (which is used to denote containership in the portfolio).
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