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Old April 26th, 2016, 12:13 AM
I originally bought Realm Works thinking it'd be a great tool as a GM. And it is, I'm using it to build a campaign I intend to run. Actually, I've used it to manage the world setting for a few games. But what I find I use Realm Works the most for is with my writing.

I enjoy writing short stories, and find Realm Works lets me create more detailed worlds. Instead of having to remember how I characterized someone I introduced several chapters or stories ago, I can look up the entry I made in Realm Works. Plot notes, personality profiles, notes for prior events, things that happened 'off camera' but have an impact, and the like all find their way into Realm Works for any given story setting.

For me it works better then creating a bulletin point storyboard the way my old English teacher taught. Since I'm a more organic writer then some, having a tool like Realm Works I feel helps me up my game. But this made me wonder, how do others use Realm Works? Is it a tool you use to storyboard video games your making via RPG Maker? Do you use it just for managing sessions in your campaign, or for other things? I'm curious to hear.
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