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Old February 28th, 2007, 12:18 AM
If you you have your above situation in AB3, it should look like:

Slaan Mage-Priest (1*325 pts)
|->Slaan Mage-Priest
Saurus Warriors (10*170 pts)
|->Temple Guard

To combine a unit in AB3, you need to make sure you click the "sub-folder" of the unit you want to incorporate and drag to the "Header" of the unit you want to attach it to. So in this case, you click on the "|-> Temple Guard" and drag it to the "Slaan Mage Priest (1* 325 pts) line, and it should then combine the two units. Once you do this, you can then either drag or r-click to reorder the two within the unit so it will carry the correct overall "unit" name.
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