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Old February 12th, 2016, 10:16 AM
Never publish at ETA, absolute worst mistake any software company can do. In fact worst mistake any product company could do.

Why do you think Mr. Scott multiplied his repair times by a factor of 4?

You will crucified if you miss it even by a day. Better to deal with the whining of no news, then to give news that can be hung from your neck like concrete galoshes.

I am with out a gaming group for the first time in 15 or so years. But since then my development within Realm Works has increased. I have ramped up my work to match my new found free time.

I wish LWD was able to produce everyt8ng I want and every feature we want in a time line we all wish they could. But alas, they cannot. There are two ways to handle this, cause a ruckus or simply cheer them on and hope it all comes to fruition soon.

Personally I will choose to cheer them on, because of my love for the product, my love for Hero Lab. and to what I believe is one of the most dedicated teams to RPG gaming in the business, and what they have achieved so far.

But each to their own.

Exmortis aka "Scott"
RW - Needs Rez spell
HL - Game Master/Designer
RPG Tools - Campaign Cartographer 3+, D20 Pro Ultimate
Real Life - IT Security
Hobby - Anything on water or ATV
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