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Old December 28th, 2015, 11:40 AM
Well I had to stop using it for few months till a tech issue with my Realm was just recently resolved, but I did notice some changes in my my work with it before that.

1.) Bought a SVGA to HDMI converter and cables to hook it up to a TV from my lap top. AS the converter and cables are portable I can transport them if I'm playing at a friends house and connect them to another TV easily. Total cost was about $50 and I had to order the cables online and do a good bit of research to get good ones at a low cost that were as long as the ones I got.

So I'm using it more to show off stuff at a game like pictures of NPCs, etc.

2.) Gotten better at making spreadsheets for new character classes and other things.

3.) Have most of the new creatures, classes, and spells, entered in for my Red Tide/Scarlet Heroes campaign. So my focus is shifting to cover more background topics and created stuff for the campaign instead of cutting and pasting.

3.) Using more background music as I can add audio to topics and I have a bunch of lops of music made for video game RPG design that I have been using.

4.) Less breaking up text into spinets. I was breaking up text more into seperate spinets but I do so less now.

Things I want to do.

1.) To set up an entry with custom tags, etc. to do Labyrinth Lord, based spells classes.

(Would love to see some tutorials or be able to even get when the content market opens some templates to help in setting things up.)

2.) Get better at showing stuff quicker in a a 2nd Screen to players when at a game.

I found that I was taking up a good bit of time just showing stuff to players via a 2nd screen during a game and some things would have been better to have just not spent the time presenting that way because of the time it used.

3.) Do a good post on using mapping software with Real Works as I have map making software from many companies and have found that some works better for some systems and depending on the Realm and I'd favor using one over another for certain system, for what my campaign setting was going to be too, and for how often I was going to need new maps.

(I I currently have word file with a rough draft of my notes and stuff in it.)
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