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Old July 27th, 2015, 11:36 AM
Any big news will get released at GenCon I would bet. The gaming world revolves around GenCon even though most of us couldn't care less about it. C'est la vie.

Any big news will wait until Market is near release so as to build a bubble of excitement. Too early and we'll start getting cranky and fidgety and demanding.... And if it gets delayed, things would get ugly.

Any big news will likely be after Market is opened and the game companies gauge whether it's worth their effort. Early to market is great, but with some elements like calendars still not implemented, it's also risky. Frog God Games has a history of diving face first into new markets first so they aren't a surprise on the roster. Paizo will likely come onboard though maybe not for release day. I wouldn't hold my breath for 5e but I like being wrong.

Managing expectations is one part science, two parts magic and a healthy dose of bomb squad training mixed with hostage negotiation. Good luck, Liz.
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