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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 56

Old July 27th, 2015, 04:49 AM
Please first of all I'm not intending to offend anyone I just wanted to share my own concerns.

I must say I am quite disappointed regarding the actual "News" for the Content market.
The latest "new" information are from April, 30th 2015 if you want to take it that way. At that time it was mentioned that "Razor Coast" and "Freeport" will be available via Content Market. If you are more into critics you would say that even that isn't actually anything "New" as it was already part of the Kickstarter Campaign.

This Newsletter in April/May was closed with a teaser:
"Stay tuned for more information about the Realm Works Content Market."
Also in June there was a statement that "soon" there would be more information regarding the licensed content.
However this soon or stay tuned or what else where already mentioned last year(s) as well. And up to now nothing else that is actually NEW was mentioned.

All statements in the last 4 newsletters regarding the Content Market are more or less only variations of the very same sentence "We are currently working on it" while I certainly would not expect a full blown statement every month I think there should be more information available than just the same statement for such a long time.

So it would be good to have some real status updates like estimated time, more information about what publishers are on board or what are some problems they are facing.
Sorry to say it but the lack of information regarding those major topics just adds to the impression that even if you tell us that it, the Syrinscape integration, did not have an impact, it actually did have an impact.
I'm not telling that it did but that it does cause such an impression.

So could we please get some more information about the actual status of the Major features, not limited to CM or Web-access but also for Individual Reveal, Journal and so on?
The Sneak Peak of the Web-Access end of February was nice however it was quite some time ago. I hope that we get more information after Gen Con maybe already at Gen Con for the folks that can attend. So no need to answer right away but I really hope we get more real news in the really near future and not only once per year.
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