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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 11:26 PM
The augmentation file will be loaded before the data files, so it's quite possible something more fundamental was changed than just a macro. ABCreator has to load the definition and augmentation files in order to have all the necessary details to support editing the data files.

Do the data files successfully compile with AB after your changes? If they compile with AB and fail to load into ABCreator, it's possible there's a bug in ABCreator. Otherwise, there was definitely a more substantive change than just a macro that is causing this problem.

Every tag group must have at least one tag defined for it. If the tag group is "dynamic", then AB first processes all of the entities in the data files to add all dynamic tags. After all dynamic tags are added, then it checks for the minimum tag in each tag group. If you deleted a unit or omitted a data file, you could easily get this error message.


At 06:15 PM 7/30/2006, you wrote:

I am a 'Flmes of War' user and I am trying to correct several changes need. I started by changing the contents of a macro in the Augmentation file. I was able to change the contents and save them, but when I tied to open any DAT files I get the error message “Tag group ‘Variation’ must have at least one tag”. I don't understand what i should be doing to correct this? Any assist would be appreciated .
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