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Old March 28th, 2015, 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by Exmortis View Post
@Rob and @Joe,

Thanks very much for your efforts, the addition is rather neat, and it actually led me to another idea, and you can tell me if is doable. I am playing around now, seeing how I will organize for the future to embrace you changes.

If I had to take the old and the new (views really are cool BTW)and meld them together I would rename World Almanac to "Complete Almanac" and just drop story Almanac, or allow us to say no thanks I do not want the default premade view.

This allows me to create my own views. I would create a "World View" a "View by chapter". Maybe its me but world almanac to me screams "Campaign Setting", and that's how I used it. Think "Inner Sea Guide" and related materials by Paizo is what I had in there.

Now your custom View addition allows me to take a massive 24ish month content story all jammed into one Story almanac and "cut it up" into nice chapter by chapter views, that really is nice, and allows me to even better organize when it comes to actual play.

Your change allows for even more flexibility which is a good thing for sure. Allowing us to rename the almanacs would essentially achieve the same view I had before while embracing your great view additions.

Now go enjoy your weekend and have a beer on me, send me the bill
You can delete any custom views at any time. The "Story Almanac" is just another custom view. We auto-created the Story Almanac for you during the upgrade so that it has exactly what it held in previous versions. You can delete it or rename it if you want. You can change the icon used on it. It's just another custom view.

From our perspective, all the topics that comprise your entire realm represent your "world". Everything that takes place is a part of your world, and it's a living, breathing, evolving world. So it made sense to us to call the "Complete" almanac the "World" almanac. We had already established the concept of the "World" within the product, and the term fit perfectly here, so we kept it and applied it to everything.

The only two names you currently cannot rename are "World Almanac" and "Mechanics Reference", since they are "built-in" views. Everything else is a custom view that can be renamed as you see fit. If there's enough demand, we can let users rename the built-in views as well. It just seems like a comparatively low priority item relative to many of the other things on our todo list right now.
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