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Old February 1st, 2015, 10:04 AM
Hello everyone! I'm new to pathfinder, transitioning from 4e and decided to deal with Hero Lab to ease myself on the move and character creation.

Now, this is going to be an absolute noob question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times, so I apologize in advance. Looking through the data files I attained, I couldn't find some of the Archetypes I was looking into on D20, namely the Master Summoner archetype. Is there a very specific data file I need to grab at to unlock these other (what I thought were basic and common) archetypes? I might also be missing a setting or a simple key toggle or something, but like I said I'm not really sure what I'm doing and frankly I'm stumped about figuring this out. Would I be able to have some guidance? Thanks so much.
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