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I wonder if the editor (not the authoring kt) could be used to provide alternative versions of the CoC template that will cover one of the other D100 games.

I'm also curious about the upcoming revised version of Delta Green and how compatible it will be with CoC6 (if at all).
It's been said by one of the staff that even though CoC is based on BRP, the differences between the two are too extensive for the editor to handle an adaptation from one to the other.
BRP is still the core mechanic. The designers should have started with BRP and spun off from there.
I would love to design a Magic World data set but it's a lot to learn to design 1 system. The people who are experts at authoring just don't have the interest.
BRP is still the core mechanic. The designers should have started with BRP and spun off from there.
I would love to design a Magic World data set but it's a lot to learn to design 1 system. The people who are experts at authoring just don't have the interest.

Once you have the core elements, you don't even typically need the full authoring kit; if I had a full BRP core to work from, I'm pretty sure I could do a Magic World dataset, and I'm not really up with the authoring kit, just the editor.
I just picked up BRP in the recent DTRPG sale and was considering working it up in the Authoring Kit for a member of my group, but it'd probably be a year before anything got released.
It just takes time/practice and a willingness to ask questions. The biggest hurdle is I have to feel I have a really good handle on the rules before going into the code and I haven't had time to start reading BRP yet.
So it's been a bit since I expressed an interest in BRP Magic World (WOW 4 years!) and I've learned a lot about the HL system thru the editor and am gonna try my hand at doing a Magic World conversion from the CoC system....
Unless anyone else has started this? :D

Would really help if the KitWiki was even close to finished. Did those tutorials get moved somewhere else?
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