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Posts: 66

Old December 8th, 2014, 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
At the end of the day, adding features like this is completely doable. The real problem boils down to one simple thing. Resources. We could absolutely implement an incredibly versatile system for changing account names, tracking past account names, displaying those past account names in all the right places, blah blah blah. All I need to do is dedicate the developer resources to the task for however long it takes. Unfortunately, in so doing, I then delay work on calendars, printing, web-based support, content market, and all the other features that users are clamoring for. We don't have the huge development teams that big companies have working on big products. So the bottom line is: "What's more important?"

I'd love to say "yes" to everyone's requests. I'd love to be able to work on all these awesome features NOW. Alas, that's not an option. So I'm stuck in the miserable position of having to say "not yet" to most things, regardless of how reasonable the requests are. That's the unfortunate reality of a tiny company creating a niche product within a niche industry.

I've now this added to the (ridiculously long) todo list. It now has to be weighed and prioritized against everything else on that todo list.

Sorry for the brief venting here, but there are times when this gets very frustrating. The hamsters are running as fast as they can in their little wheels, but it's never fast enough. <sigh>
We love* you Rob, keep it up.

* in a platonic, non-leather chaps, no handcuffs, several hundreds kilometers way, over-the-Internet, never-met-you-for-real, kind of way.

Seriously, this is the piece of software I have been waiting for for 25 years. Even now, it rocks. Anything beyond this just adds more chocolate sauce on my already great sundae.
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