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Old October 13th, 2014, 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by Colen View Post
We released the 4e data files to the public domain when we released them years ago, so you're free to do whatever you want with them, whether that's adapt them for other game systems or otherwise. Hope this helps!
Thx, Colen! This helps indeed.

Now if only WotC would be as helpful as you guys...

BTW: If you ever manage to get a license for Hero Lab D&D Next feel free to contact me to get the files of what I already did.

And some more questions:

1. With that iPad version of HeroLab is it also possible to install custom Conversions as for the PC version, or is it Pathfinder-only? (don't have an iPad myselves)

2. Is it anyhow easily possible to change the look (Background graphics and stuff) into the same one of the pathfinder hero lab (I think that one looks better!) ? If yes, how (I noticed some of the bmp used are different filenames)

3. Is there anyone for tricky implementation questions and/or suggestions for future Hero Lab versions?

Best regards,
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