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Dark Lord Galen
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Old September 27th, 2014, 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by AEIOU View Post
Create a new topic for sharing content with yourself and with others. I'm betting there are a few people that would +1 it pretty quick.

The longer answer is that Rob has indicated that this is on the short list but it's competing with some other features that are missing like calendars and printing as well as some features folks have asked for improvements on like relationships and nested maps. It's definitely coming but when is up to us on how badly we want it over other things.
Write it Down AEIOU... This is probably the ONE thing I would +! over the custom calendar....

Custom calendars are VERY important to my game table ( have between 8 and 10 going simultaneously) Which I suppose is the reason I have been such a strong voice for it....
BUT I would put this over that... I have a calendar program (just not RW) to manage calendars, if I had to continue to do so (hell been 10 years already.. whats 6 more months?), it would just be sooo much smoother to incorporate story line wise within the same system by having it reside within RW.

The Ability to create a "CORE" Realm and a "MY World Realm" and then I could bounce items between would be immeasurable in the long term knowing that the shared market place / community could expand such greatness.
We Could have the "core elements" that may define the basic campaign world all of us share, constantly adding to and growing, and customize those pieces within it. We can then choose within the core what pieces to incorporate into " My World" side without corrupting the baseline information.

Say in my world maybe I don't just "say" you found a potion of healing? (which I don't by the way <evil DM Here>) Instead would it not be great to have an element you could import into your world that defined the potions by color, smell, texture, taste, opalescence, etc? Some may not play at that level of detail and may not want it in their "core world" others may.... just one of MANY possibilities not only internally but for the community as a whole.

+1 to this.
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