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Old September 15th, 2014, 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by TobyFox2002 View Post
Before my questions, I want everyone to thank GLBVI for adding to the Faerun content thanks to him you'll be having some partial content from two new Faerun Books: Faiths and Pantheons and Champions of Ruin for the next update. Lots of Stuff dealing with the deity of Shar in particular.

Coding Questions:

I am running into several issues with some of the projects I have and I was wondering if anyone might have some thoughts on how I could handle these issues.

The title is a bit vague because there are several related (and unrelated questions).

1) I have a race that overrides the normal +1 attribute point every 3 levels. Instead it grants +3 attribute point every 4 levels. Now I can alter the frequency [tAttrEvol] but it still displays the correct levels on the character tab. Is there a way to fix it so it adds the proper number of skill points but it still displays the incorrect level and gives an error that they have "Too many attribute points per level."

2) The variant rules for a sourcebook I am working on adds a 7th Attribute Score. Appearance (App). I've been told that it is impossible to code. But I believe that I have found a way, but I like the expertise to do this because I would have to change some of the base code. Anyone have some thoughts as to how I might go about this.

I know there are people out there who have done similar.

3) A sourcebook I am working on is adding two new item slots. (Horn) and (Wings x2). [My Little Pony] I know for a fact that is possible because, there is a Rune slot which is most definately not a D20 3.5 item slot. But I cant find how it was done.
To my knowledge, all of these would have to be done through the use of the authoring kit. I'd be happy to be corrected by those who know better, but that's my understanding. In regards to the rune, that was added by LW when they added the pathfinder adventure series stuff to the base d20 package (at least, I think that's the case), so actually we can't add more slots to the system, at least not traditionally.

Off the top of my head, you could "add a slot" by selecting "none" in the editor, but then adding a user tag. Something like User.Horn. Then you could create a script on something that is always on the character (such as a condition) that searches for this tag and determines if there are too many. Not ideal, but it might accomplish what you're looking for within the limitation of the editor.
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