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Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Portugal
Posts: 80

Old June 16th, 2014, 11:11 AM
@ryntak4536: "there is a resident type already, I think it's under 'comprises'." thanks, I hadn't noticed it yet. Your approach is very straightforward, so it might actually be the best way to start and get the hang of it.

@Silveras: "Don't forget that you can put a note in the relationship, so that if there isn't one named specifically what you want." thanks for this idea.

I had seen the description but never really thought about it. I suppose it could help with the lack of multilayering, in that I wouldn't detail the relationship's tags (just pick a simple relationship as you say) but use comments to define them. Then I can have lots of different relationships in the same layer to help me understand social and family tension.

By the way, I decided to start practicing to see how I could play with your ideas in practice and, as geographical topics are mostly what I have done so far, I tried to set up some relationships between them. But RW crashes every time I try to save a topic after creating a relationship. I've tried three different types of relationships, but it always crashes.

The thing is I have used relationships before starting this thread (I only play with RW from time to time) and nothing like it happened. Are the geographical topics off the relationships scope?
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