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Old May 25th, 2014, 06:51 AM
I wouldnt say that its not strong enough to stand on its own, I would say that the weakness of the interface (forget anything about new content) is much weaker than pathfinder.

For example:

in pathfinder, if you go to the customize armor or weapon (not editor, just normal customize), the space for the description, name, and the modifier, and file the 'X' is much bigger. In d20, often the description goes over the 'X' preventing you from even being able to remove things. This is a pretty basic UI bug. Ive discovered that if ive accidently added things (double clicking when i meant to click) sometimes the only way to remove the ability is to remove the item itself, and start from scratch. ok, i can do it, but this is something that i think just isnt up to snuff.

There are a lot of these issues.

I know it sounds like we're complaining. To some degree we are.
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