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Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 36

Old May 22nd, 2014, 01:27 PM
I've been meaning to post this for some time. This is not about new content but about the program itself.

My first exposure to LWD was through Hero Lab and I purchased the d20 rules set based on feedback, reviews, and the demo. I was surprised and disappointed in the lack of updates and improvements. Given what I know now, I would have rather have purchased the PF version and modded it as needed for my campaign. I realize that the rules set is old, virtually unsupported via paper, and most of the revenue had moved on to 4E or PF. But it was essentially offered for the same price so with that, I expected the same level of updates and improvements (again, not new content).

I feel that I did not get my money's worth with the d20 license. It just does not feel as polished. The blue interface is difficult to look at, the UI is outdated in many places, and the usefulness of the editor tools is limited to those with substantial programming skills. I tried following many of the tutorials, but just did not have much luck. What I was looking for just was not covered, or the instructions were incomplete, or unclear to me. I admit that that most of the difficulty is probably on my end, but I thought I was purchasing a system that would allow me to control my game.

All that said, I saw Realm Works and fell in love with it and gave LWD another shot (RW is great!). I have accepted the limited usability of Hero Lab on my end. It allows me to manage combat well enough and to track character stats as needed. While I would greatly appreciate some more love towards the d20 version, it's currently "good enough" for me. My group will eventually move to D&D Next and maybe that version will be what I am looking for.

As for the current d20 license, I feel that it is not strong enough to stand on its own. Maybe it should be included free with the base HL license, or system creator kit, in addition to the choice of an actively supported system. Or maybe come with a coupon for a more actively supported system. Regardless, I'm happy with LWD, RW, and have accepted the d20 HL "as is".
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