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Old April 2nd, 2014, 02:24 PM
My gameplay is what someone might consider more open-ended and player controlled as opposed to session prep.

I use it more during gameplay than session prep. My world has been 30 years in the making. (we wont talk about ages) so its going to take me a while to it into the DB, but much of it i know backwards/forward/sideways. what I have a hard time remembering is what NPCs people have come across, what places they've gone to. So I write quick snippets during the game.

"PCs have discovered the original university of The Red Hand", and then at home, I expand on it, so next session, or when the player accounts become handy, the players can reread what they've discovered, but more important, when they go back there, i know.

I find myself using it less for preparation, but in game notes (previously I was doing it all in google docs, which was a pain).

I will populate treasure hoards with items so that way I know what items PCs have. That is done in session planning.

I guess I do a little bit of both, now that I think of it.
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