Thread: Organizing Help
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 94

Old March 31st, 2014, 02:35 PM
I have worked through the quickstart and did a quick read through the manuals however I am not seeing what I am looking for...

Is there no way to organize your information where you drill down into it like it was a folder?

for example

If I have world with 200 cities and towns with each have 5-10+ wards respectively I don't want to see a gigantic list nor have to search for what I want(although being able to search can be useful at times).

Is there no way that it will act as a container literally where I can say only have my list of cities open and then click on the city to get a further list?(basically operating as a folder)

This way if the players go to city x, I don't have to scroll through a huge list of information that is alphabetized but jumbled up as far as relationship goes.

The issue I am seeing is the more information I enter the bigger this issue becomes and I will be spending a lot of time filtering through info that I could be quickly clicking into.

If I have overlooked something please let me know (I am really hoping this is the case)

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