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Old March 14th, 2014, 02:58 PM
I think you've almost completely covered the answer, there, Shadow, but just to mention: the consumption detail he's referring to is a feature of certain Edicts a Kingdom has in the Kingdom building rules.

I know that Kingdoms are, to a large extent, "characters", as far as HL is concerned, so that makes the majority of what you've said perfectly sensible, but Consumption as a characteristic is in the nature of Melee Attack Bonus on a PC - there are many, many, many things that can affect it, and they all get wrapped up by HL in a tidy package. The problem is that Ultimate Rulership introduces the concept of variable consumption for certain decisions, such that if I make choice A, consumption is modified by +0. If I make choice B, it's modified by +1d4, choice C is +2d4 and choice D is +1d12 (these choices are all mutually exclusive, so would be selected by drop-down, and would have to replace existing mechanics in the Kingdoms).

I don't envy anyone trying to figure out how to make it happen. On the other hand, if someone does get a viable URule HL data set up and running, let me know - I'd love it!
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