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Old June 16th, 2005, 01:33 PM
Greetings, just wanted to drop a post regarding an error with the Khador list for AB Version 3. When you select a Greylord Ternion unit, it displays a Greylord Ternion in the stat profile (which should be Magziev) and a Koldun as the leader (which is correct). The trouble is that it calculates this as costing 14 points for this two man unit...

However, in the rules, the unit is a three man group - 2 magziev and 1 koldun, for a cost of 43pts. There are no options for having more or less Greylords.

Just thought that I would let you know. Keep up the good work

**oh, and I thought that I would mention that in AB version 3, it won't let you increase the number of magziev to the legal minimum amount of 3.
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