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Old January 24th, 2014, 09:20 AM
Ok Illydth, first their Kickstarter obviously made them enough to get this rolling. Second you say that it was only up for a limited time, too limited in your opinion, but then you go ahead and say that they did nothing to limit the amount of people. You've already answered your own argument. How well they advertised the kickstarter, and the amount of time it was up for, was there way of limiting.

Second, your comment that LWD is "a company who's in business to make money," I have a feeling is more wrong then you can imagine. I highly doubt the people who started LWD said, "I know lets make money!" It was probably more something along the lines of, "Hey we could develop this product, and do an awesome job at it, we should do this!" Yes they make money off their product, but as this is something they do full time, they need to make some money off it, to you know, pay bills and other things.

Third, yes I missed the kickstarter, and sure I would love to be able to buy in to help make this happen, but with so many people using it and reporting bugs, there really are only so many hours in a day, and too many cooks really can spoil the soup. I will wait. Is the world going to end because I had to wait a little longer? No? Good, then wait I shall.

Last edited by Zinquox; January 24th, 2014 at 09:44 AM.
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