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Old January 7th, 2014, 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Aldaron View Post
I tell my students about the "Software Development Triad". Imagine a triangle, at each corner you have: "Fast", "Good", and "Cheap".

Pick any two. You can have it fast, and good - but it will cost. You can have it good, and cheap - but it will take time. Or you can have it fast, and cheap - but it will suck.

I would much prefer that LWD go for option #2 (which it appears they are doing) than for option #3 (which some people seem to be screaming for).

And just let me send a quick "Thank you" to the LWD guys who regularly come here, while under no obligation to do so, to explain and help and guide. You guys are an example to all software developers, and another reason why I'm more than happy to pay as much as necessary for the top-notch stuff you create.
I prefer to call it the Iron Triangle of Project Management because it sounds cooler I totally agree on the necessity of RW being a complete and high-quality product by the time it is released. Releasing something half-baked and/or buggy as hell is not in LWD's long-term interest, or the community's for that matter. I am happy to wait for the finished product, though part of the reason for that is that I'm not running anything and am currently too busy to consider doing so
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