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Old January 5th, 2014, 02:06 PM
Given the nature of SRD games (not just D20/Pathfinder, but also games like M&M, D20Modern and so on - take a look at the SRD sites you can reach from, for example), I'd be surprised if the rules for popular OGL games were more than a nominal fee.

After all, how many people could and would be willing to contribute a couple of hours to entering in game mechanics for a shared Pathfinder rules realm? I'm guessing it could get knocked out pretty quickly. What would FATE take, like an hour?

On the other hand, there's opportunity for LW to charge for closed games (with appropriate agreements with the copyright holders) or for less-popular open source games.

Honestly, the fluff aspect is to me the big sell. Stepping into the realm (pun intended) of what is likely a flight of fantasy, imagine if a company like WotC agreed to have system-neutral setting info for FR put in? Or Inner Seas from Pathfinder? Or let's go with something more likely - those of you using Midgard from Kobold Press, how great would it be to have the content entered in...and maybe down the road you buy a package deal that gives you the pdf of new content + plus the appropriate info in RW + plus the Hero Lab data package. I think if a publisher has the resources (staff or money to pay a freelancer), they'd love for you to entertain the idea.

Heck, if it was just a matter of a campaign management tool, then Realm Works is just another program. If the cloud potential is realized, then it becomes a revolution.
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