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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 99

Old December 5th, 2013, 07:31 PM
If I'm going to spend the money to buy the material twice (PDF/hardcopy then the Herolab), then I want to be able to copy and paste any official NPC, critter, or piece of gear make my changes and go.

If I'm going to have to entering it by hand then why do I need Hero Lab?

I also want to be able to share my shadowrun user content with other Hero Lab users.

A large searchable user created content data base of well written NPCs (and spirits, critters, and gear) in Hero Lab format that I could then customize for my own use would be a very good reason to have Hero Lab. By customize I mean both filing off the number to create a new NPC and putting the NPC in to the format I normally use to run the game.
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