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Dark Lord Galen
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Old August 28th, 2013, 05:14 AM
Then Herolab has it totally incorrect in the mathematics.
For Example
If I have a PC 7th lvl with
his respective HP are (as displayed on HL Basics tab)
1 Fighter 10 +2
2 Fighter 3+2
3 Fighter 4+2
4 Fighter 4+2
5 Fighter 4+2
6 Wizard 3+2
7 Wizard 4+2
Giving him a Base HP Total of 32 with a mod based on Con of +14 =46 total HP
With the Same PC Leveling up and applying a +1 to con at 8th LVL
Con-16 (+1 added here)
his respective HP become displayed as
1 Fighter 10 +3
2 Fighter 3+3
3 Fighter 4+3
4 Fighter 4+3
5 Fighter 4+3
6 Wizard 3+3
7 Wizard 4+3
8 Fighter 10+3
Giving him a Base HP Total of 42 with a mod on Con of +24 (+3*8 lvl as displayed) would =66 total HP yet the Hit Points Total should be (based on the reference of PHB 3.5e p10)
1 Fighter 10 +2
2 Fighter 3+2
3 Fighter 4+2
4 Fighter 4+2
5 Fighter 4+2
6 Wizard 3+2
7 Wizard 4+2
8 Fighter 10+3

Total Should be displayed as Hit Points: 59/59
or put another way 46 (the 7th LVL Value) + 10 (HP rolled at 8th) +3 (New Constitution Mod)= 59

Further you are incorrect in your reading of p 10 (Assume PHB3.5e) as intellegence is the example, but it clearly states "She does NOT RETROACTIVELY get additional points for her previous levels." the KEY piece is the paragraph starting with FOR EXAMPLE. By definition "for example " would mean this is one of many examples.
This is further discussed on WOC site and by Skip Williams elsewhere. (from 3.0 thru 5Next, though the latter is concidering a totally different application (but thats another story))

And while not directly related, (since 3.5 doesn't but 3.0 does) in DMG3.0 (and only bring this because 3.0 to 3.5 would suggest the .5 equates an addendum to the original submission) but must say, I think WOC was in error to call the publication a .5 to begin with,,,, too much was changed. IMO
According to page 145, " level advancement sequence at page 145 states clearly that assigning skill points is prior to increase of ability scores." Since 3.5 (to my knowledge) doesn't define the order of application. I would surmise the order thusly, Exp award, Level Up, class increase selected, skills assigned, feats assigned, lastly attribute increases assigned. As none (skills, feats, nor attributes) are retroactive, the +3 in this case is ONLY applicable to the newest level applied.

For all those metagamers out there I can see this being a nice addition.... but there is no precedence for it.

*Edit* from original post , I meant to sasy it DOESN'T seem to total correctly
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