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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 76

Old August 13th, 2013, 06:05 PM
Looking at the RW tool, I can see how to build up a Campaign.

At least parts of it

If I was wanting to build just a single adventure to bundle for others is there a trick to that or is it just tagging all the parts together?

May not be saying it right,

If say I was importing a module, is there a way to package it so I could give that to a friend and just give them that Module.

Or would I need to start a new Realm and put it all there.
If it is this way is there a way to Merge that into an existing Campaign then?

I think in modules or discreet story arcs then add triggers and hooks to blend them, looking at RW I do not see where those can be combined or broken off.

If not it just changes how I look at building stuff is all.

Thanks for the help,
may have just missed the blinking light
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