Thread: M&M 3rd ed. Editor Help: Remove Flaw Power
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Old June 20th, 2013, 10:44 AM
Hmm... there are ways to require someone to pull an item off of a list for a power. Simplest example is looking up the ability to add Impervious to a save. Thing is, I don't know know if there's already a list for Flaws. If so, you should find it pretty easy. The power will merely notate something along the lines of "This power removes up to 10 ranks of <flaw name> from a single power". I'm not certain if you can have two fields to choose from. Check to see if there exists a power which lets you specify two drop-downs.

Frankly, unless this came up often, I'd argue that you just write it up as a Feature (does not need wand) for the points necessary to pay for the Flaw. That could be placed inside the Device then for the discount.
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