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Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer
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Old May 4th, 2013, 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Jamz View Post
You can already create custom wands, potions, & scrolls. So I'm guessing you are looking for updates on Staves, Rods, & Wondrous items?

Per my original posting higher up in the thread, what I & others would like to see is the ability to make "custom" potions, staves & wands the same way we can make scrolls.

Click "create <____>" and have that open a window where we can select from a drop-down list of eligible spells. Click Add (or Add & Close) with the usual cost or free option and the ability to set the caster level and any metamagic that has been applied and *poof!* you now have a wand (or potion or staff) on your character sheet with the appropriate name, caster level, charges and/or metamagic annotated.

I grant you that making Wondrous Items and rods is more complicated since they tend to have functions beyond casting a spell or two but I still don't understand why potions, wands & staves cannot be made using the same "create a scroll" method that is currently in the software.

Call me ignorant if you must but I don't see why the programmers feel there is an insurmountable difference.

All four (scroll, potion, wand, staff) are a container that holds a spell (or in some cases more than one spell) which can be written to either draw from the entire list of spells with the player expected to be honest about the crafting or it could have a check subroutine to ensure the spell is appropriate to the character per the crafting rules.

All four of them have a set formula for determining the cost of creation. CORRECTION: Creation of a staff doesn't have a set cost formula in the same way as a scroll, potion or wand.

ADDITIONAL: I should also mention that the deduction of XP can be computed once the "base cost" is determined & subtracted from the character's running total.

All four of them can be made to show up on the character sheet's Ammunition & Charges section.

I hope this clarification helps,
Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

Last edited by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer; May 6th, 2013 at 08:08 PM.
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