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Old March 21st, 2013, 05:13 PM
Hi guys,

We have a house-rule in my campaigns for druids, where a druid's wild empathy checks get a bonus equal to half his Handle Animal skill. Without recreating druids from scratch, I'm trying to create an Adjustment in the editor. So far, so good. By using the Eval Script from the Ring of Sacred Mistletoe, I've created a simple Adjustment with the following Eval Script:

if (hero.childlives[cWildEmp] <> 0) then
        hero.childfound[cWildEmp].field[abValue].value += 3
This works nicely, and give the bonus the Wild Empathy for the character (ups the current +6 to +9)

The problem comes about when I try to make the "3" in the above code equate to half the Handle Animal skill of the character. I've tried using the following in place of "3", but get errors:

At the moment, I'm just guessing, really, and I was hoping someone might be able to clue me in on the correct syntax. I'm also assuming there is some sort of rounding function, as well.

Thanks in advance
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