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Old February 4th, 2005, 09:32 PM
There was a weird bug in how things were managed for rulesets that would
cause exactly this behavior. This was just fixed in the V3.0b update.


At 03:20 AM 2/2/2005 +0000, you wrote:
>After playing with AB3 and the new Fantasy and 40k files I've
>noticed a "weird" bug that crops up on occasion. When you switch
>between rosters, every now and then you get a validation error that
>refers to the previously loaded roster, for example, right now, I have
>a high elf roster up, and I'm getting flagged for "The army requires
>at least one unit of Bulls"...and Ogre Kingdoms was the roster I had
>open previously. I've also gotten marine errors for a loaded Ork file.
> If I "switch game system" to the fantasy file (or 40k) right after
>that, the problem goes away (for a while). Sometimes it happens right
>after startup, when I just "OK" whatever army is defaulted to,
>intending to load a different roster right away (since there's no load
>button on the opening window...)

Rob Bowes ( (650) 588-8252
Lone Wolf Development
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