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dennis.main at ntlworld.c
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Old April 7th, 2003, 11:52 PM
Hopefully this may answer a few $B!F(Bniggles$B!G(B about GW. Having asked quite
a few managers, and tourney judges, about using non-GW figures the
$B!F(Bstock$B!G(B answer is that if we want to use other models/ figures then it
wouldn$B!G(Bt be a GW Tourney because you$B!G(Bre not using GW figures. The
figures they released are meant to be represented by the stats they
release in White Dwarf and Codex$B!G(Bs/ Army lists. Annoying
yes..expensive..YES (and meant to be for business purposes). If for
arguments sake you had an army made up of $B!F(Bother manufacturers
figures,$B!G(B for as nice as they may be, your opponent wouldn$B!G(Bt have a
clue as to what they are facing. Standardisation of units is another
answer I get. As to the $B!F(Bcd$B!G(B illustration then here$B!G(Bs another$B!D(Bto
take part in most any competition you must have regulation equipment, as
in this case the units/ figures released by GW. Maybe this answers some


-----Original Message-----
From: hida_dragonbane []
Sent: 07 April 2003 00:42
Subject: Re: [AB] Future of Army Builder?

Yes, that would be the LEAST they could do. I'd much rather they
umbent their tightwad selves a slight bit more and weren't such
nazi's about "must be pure GW", there are some DAMN nice models out
there from other companies such as Reaper and Crocodile. To me, it's
just incredibly hypocritical. I mean, check out the White Dwarf for
what they consider to be the best paint jobs... they're pretty much

Noone would go out and buy a CD player that only played CD's created
by, say, Arista Records, right? Arista would be heavily flamed for
even CONSIDERING to push such an item. Why then does everyone accept
that the GW game system can ONLY be played with GW miniatures? It's
NOT like the miniatures are sold as part of the system, it's
completely seperate. I'm rather disgusted that the tournament system
supports such strong-arm tactics, it's not like the MODEL affects the
game statistics and balance.

Anyway, we've drifted heavily off-topic, so I'm going to stop my rant
here and move on. Thanks for listening.


--- In, Webmaster <webmaster@b...> wrote:
> Jimi,
> I applaud you! Don't let the man step on you. I
> hate idiot manager and tourney manager people who do
> stuff like that. It really angers me, I mean we take
> the time to buy their stuff and assemble it and paint
> it, then buy all the books and read them cover to
> cover many times, learning all of the information and
> rules so that we can play games with our friends and
> then go to RTTs and GTs, the least they can do is be
> supportive and allow all models in an army (that are
> GW models, no matter how old they are).
> Thanks,
> Jon
> --- Jimi <jimi@t...> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> > > Beaky marines were made by GW, so no problem there
> (unless said
> organizers
> > > are so anal as to ban non-current models)
> >
> > Ah, I remember the rumour going around the net that
> GW was going to ban
> all
> > non-current models (tourneys and affiliated stores).
> Those were the days.
> It wasnt a rumour - it happened to me. GW store
> manager banned my RT Land
> Raider. I complained to 'Head of Retail'. 'Head of
> Retail' chastised store
> manager. Store manager issued an apology. Sweet!!
> Jimi
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