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Search results

  1. D

    Ranger Hunter Archetype

    If anyone is interested I have created a functional Hunter archetype for the Ranger class. I have attached the user file. UPDATE: Ok. I seem to have either missed the "Hunter Abilities" tab or it wasn't working when I started working on this. So for anyone who is interested feel free to us...
  2. D

    Custom Deity Pantheon

    Does anyone know how to add a custom deity pantheon?
  3. D

    ITEM: Battlestrider Greaves

    I'm trying to add a script to add the benefits of this magic item I have added the +1 to speed. However, I would like to add some logic so that the increase only applies if the Hero is wearing Heavy armor. Does anyone know how to determine the armor type worn? Looking for something like...
  4. D

    Linguist Feat fix

    Has anyone created a fix for the Linguist feat?
  5. D

    Stock Characters

    So does anyone know how to create stock characters for the Encounter Builder? Not being able to do this makes the EB useless for the 4e game system.
  6. D

    Weapon Proficiency Script

    Anyone know the correct syntax for assigning a weapon proficiency in a script? I think it looks something like this: perform hero.assign[WpnProf.wHammer] I know the WpnProf.wHammer is not correct.
  7. D

    Scripting Question

    Using the code below does anyone know how to access the enhancement bonus of each weapon? For example, if the pick is a +3 longsword I want to pull the "+3" from the data. var EnhBonus as number foreach pick in hero from WeapMelee EnhBonus = eachpick.field[??????].value nexteach
  8. D

    Feat Prereqs

    I have noticed that a large number of the prerequisites for feats do not work at all. For instance if I have a first level rogue I can add Armor Proficiency: Full Plate without a problem. Not even a warning.
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    Melee Training

    Has anyone figured out how to make the Melee Training feat work correctly?
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    User Files

    Does anyone have a user file that would give a +1 bonus to all attack rolls as a game mechanic?