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Omegakai November 28th, 2007 01:47 PM

AB2 vs AB3
For a long time i used ab2, the product was great, so much so that as soon as ab3 was out i purchased my year long license to boot expecting more of the same.

how utterly disappointed i am.

Ab support (which is fan based) far exceeds the support of AB3.
Ab updates are spaced out too far apart and it appears that they don't seem to care.
ab2's online community is thriving.

now i purchased ab3 because i wanted to support this company, but i feel it has gone to waste. lets not be naive about this, most of us know that theirs a crack out for the older version, and this lack of support on such issues drives people to use that version over the legal one, this i find shocking and i cant understand why their isn't more regular updates.
/end rant

apollo0681 November 28th, 2007 06:50 PM

Hi you are 100% correct but im afraid you are wasting your time moaning about it. every few months or so someone moans about the lack of support its been 9months I think since there was an update for the warhammer files which is appalling. A moderator will just reply saying its not there responsibility to update the files this wasn’t in the contract you agreed bla bla bla zzzzzzzzzzzzz

This is why I haven’t bothered to re-new my license as army builder works fine once your license has expired you just don’t have access to the official updates. I only use army builder for warhammer and when there is an official update it can be manually download from the site anyway so theres no need to renew anyway.

As you can see from all the downloads which have been added by members including myself who have long given up on offical updates and have decided its just easier to do it ourselves. Personally i think we shoudl be given free license renewals for the work we have put in but cant see that happening.

hammerofulric November 29th, 2007 01:53 PM

Lone Wolf don't do offical updates for any systems. They are all done by fans, the same as was the case for AB2.

Omegakai December 13th, 2007 02:48 PM

That i don't understand, it would take someone all of a few hours out of a month to work on each of the major systems, possibly 2 or so per system.
currently their is no reason to renew my key, infact im better of downloading the older version, cracking it, and getting the fan based file updates, all of which is free.

this is a silly, and they are the ones that are losing out on money.

CK December 16th, 2007 12:16 AM

I agree this product is a piece of shit, I am switching back to using nothing but army builder 2, and yes I will make sure to word of mouth tell every one I know how piss pour this product is. The high elfs list was out for an auto update for army builder 2, I did not have to do more than hit the update button. There are still errors with the frigging ORC list, and how long has that book been out? but gee, its right in AB2! I personally will never buy anything from this company again, or anything related in anyway to this company!

apollo0681 December 19th, 2007 12:39 AM

it does seem strange they dont have have people who update it. im a member of a warhammer club where i live theres about 30 of us in the club of about 5 use army builder the others dont as they know there are errors with it. people pay hundreds of pounds to buy the figures in the first place more painting them and more storing them. yet they wont spend $25 or whatever it is on this product becuase it has so many bugs. to employ 1 person to update the files on a regular basis would bring them thousands of new customers i really dont see why they dont do it.

DannyBoy2k December 19th, 2007 01:26 AM

And then another to update for 40K, BFG, Necromunda, Warmaster, Warmachine, Starship Troopers, Inquisitor, Warlord, Confrontation, Blood Bowl, Mordheim......and those are just the ones on this forum. How many other systems are there?

Oh, and if you don't like the speed the files arrive at? Buy the army book, and make your own! Then you can spread them around and brag on how much better you are than everyone else. Don't feel like doing the job? Well, gee....wonder why you don't have any files, huh?

apollo0681 December 19th, 2007 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by DannyBoy2k
And then another to update for 40K, BFG, Necromunda, Warmaster, Warmachine, Starship Troopers, Inquisitor, Warlord, Confrontation, Blood Bowl, Mordheim......and those are just the ones on this forum. How many other systems are there?

Oh, and if you don't like the speed the files arrive at? Buy the army book, and make your own! Then you can spread them around and brag on how much better you are than everyone else. Don't feel like doing the job? Well, gee....wonder why you don't have any files, huh?

I do make my own files and i upload them on here and have had thousands of downloads (is that enough bragging for you) takes me a few hours to change 95% of a file when a new book comes out and im a amateur how long can it take the person who writes them originally to fix a few bugs which i cant do myself as i dont know how. most bugs mentioned on here have been about for over 18months but are never fixed.

i have files that work to the best of my abilty but dont see why someone cant take 30mins to easily fix all the bugs more than once every 12months

DannyBoy2k December 19th, 2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by apollo0681
I do make my own files and i upload them on here and have had thousands of downloads (is that enough bragging for you) takes me a few hours to change 95% of a file when a new book comes out and im a amateur how long can it take the person who writes them originally to fix a few bugs which i cant do myself as i dont know how. most bugs mentioned on here have been about for over 18months but are never fixed.

i have files that work to the best of my abilty but dont see why someone cant take 30mins to easily fix all the bugs more than once every 12months

The comment wasn't aimed at you, since I know you do. It was aimed at CK, who seemed to want someone to make him all them files, correct them, make his army and probably have someone paint it for him, all for the price of Army Builder.

But, to adress your point...basically, what you want is for Microsoft to come correct the excel-file you just made?

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