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Rounding up on tracker?


Well-known member
I am futzing with an ability that gives points, to use to spend on abilities like a sorcerer, the calculation is 1/2 level rounded up...the default charge calculation for Half-Level rounds down.

Is there a round up mechanic somewhere?
Search this page for the round function and how to make it go in either direction.

To use an example, let's say you have two variables X (the result) and Y (the number you want rounded down). You put:

X = round(Y,0,-1)

The 0 represents the number of decimal places you want (in this case zero). The -1 tells it to round down.

I used this, but I'm not sure if this is technically correct:

doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0)

field[trkMax].value += round(field[xAllLev].value/2, 1,1)

I wasn't sure what "Class Levels" field there was. So I checked UseOwnLev and that seems to work! Happy days.