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Angela2013 July 16th, 2023 02:00 PM

Tag Help
The answer is so simple I may have missed it.

I have the following for Arcane casters and I know the one for divine casters. I am looking for the ones for martial or rogue type classses.

hero.tagis[Hero.Arcane] <> 0

Mathias July 16th, 2023 02:36 PM

The core game has prereqs like "ability to cast arcane spells required", but there's nothing Paizo's created along the lines of "martial class required" - they prefer prereqs like "weapon specialization required" - tracking particular abilities that are shared by several martial classes. So we did not implement a way to track "martial class required", because there was nothing that needed it.

What is the game rule you are trying to implement? Then we can help you figure out how to implement it.

Angela2013 July 18th, 2023 10:21 AM

I was implementing some magic items from Arduin Grimoire and some of the items are only used by broad classes (mages (arcane classes), priests (divine classes)).

Some of the items are only usable by warriors, fighters, etc. (martial classes); thief, martial artist, courtesan, etc. (rogue classes).

Mathias July 18th, 2023 10:34 AM

How exactly do they phrase the prereq? (The rules text) - then I can figure out the best way to implement it. Sounds like there's at least 4 different prereqs to check.

Also, how does this work for classes like Ranger that don't gain spellcasting until later on? The Hero.Divine tags won't be assigned to the character until they can cast spells - so are they supposed to qualify for the priest items before then? Or are rangers not supposed to qualify as a divine class until they're spellcasters? If they are divine from the beginning, does a spell-less ranger still qualify for the priest items?

It's that kind of rules detail that's why I'm asking for the exact phrasing the book uses, not just a paraphrase.

Angela2013 July 19th, 2023 09:21 AM

The prereq for any mage or priest class is the normal arcane or divine caster prereq.

As for the others all fighting types are placed under warrior as all thief types are under the prereq thief.

Paladins are under divine caster.

Rangers in Arduin Grimoire gain arcane spells at 1st-level and are grouped under arcane caster.

Mathias July 19th, 2023 09:57 AM

What is the text of the "warrior" prereq and the text of the "thief" prereq? Please copy an example from the book you're drawing from, and if the individual prereqs are overly simple, like "warrior required", please find where they explain what counts as a "warrior" and copy that as well. I can't help you until I know the specific details.

Sendric July 21st, 2023 11:31 AM

There probably isn't an equivalent tag to "Hero.Arcane" or "Hero.Divine". One option you could do though is create a script on one of the existing conditions (ie Blinded) that looks through the classes and assigns something like "User.Warrior" to any classes you want it assigned to. You can then use that tag as your pre-req.

To do this you would have to create a replacement condition, but that should be pretty easy I think.

Or I guess you could just make a really long pre-req string like "Classes.Barbarian | Classes.Fighter | etc"

Or another idea: look for the cAttack.Good tag on the cHelp things.

Angela2013 July 25th, 2023 01:12 PM

Thanks for the help. Because of how old Arduin Grimoire is I have decided to go with it just pulling up an error message requesting for GM Approval. That way one error message can be used when the character needs to be a warrior or thief type. The Divine and Arcane caster pre req work just fine for the rest.

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