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DeathSheep December 17th, 2021 07:43 AM

Add Weapon Proficiency in a Chosen Weapon
I'm trying to create an ability that lets the user choose a weapon from a specific group to gain proficiency in. I'm not quite sure how what the syntax will be for this.

The eval script is set up like this:


<eval phase="PreAttr" priority="10000">perform hero.pushtags[WepProf.field[usrChosen1].chosen]</eval>
Obviously this doesn't work, but I'm not sure how to script it. Advice?

jbearwillis December 17th, 2021 08:31 AM

Did you look at the Feat that allows you to pick up to 3 different Martial Weapons, off the top of my head, I can't remember the name of it, but I think it will get you a bit closer to what you want to do.... Hope that sends you in the right direction.

DeathSheep December 17th, 2021 09:55 PM

That got me started. Now I can't seem to get anything to populate the selection list. Here is what I am using for the usrCandid1 field:


component.BaseWep & wGroup.Sword & !Helper.Helper
That should give me a drop down list of all swords right?

Fenris447 December 21st, 2021 08:13 AM

It should; make sure it's searching All Things (the drop-down box near the candid field in the editor). Also, make sure you exclude magic weapons from that list; as is, it'll pull any magic swords in, too.

DeathSheep December 21st, 2021 09:15 AM


Okay it's pulling weapons appropriately. I neglected to add Helper.Free. The problem now is that this ability is supposed to give you a new proficiency at 3, 6, 11 and 17. I have it bootstrapped to the class ability at each of those levels. If I add Helper.ShowSpec, then they are always enabled, even if you haven't hit that level. If I remove it, then they never enable, even if you have hit that level. What is causing this?

Fenris447 December 21st, 2021 01:41 PM

Try and see what Magical Secrets does for the Bard. It is added multiple times and only activates each one at the appropriate level.

DeathSheep December 22nd, 2021 08:06 AM

I looked through Magical Secrets but I couldn't suss out how it handles it. As a workaround I just created multiple copies of the power and bootstrapped each one at the right level. Not ideal, but it at least moves me forward. Thanks for the advice! You have been such a huge help throughout this project!

jbearwillis December 22nd, 2021 06:17 PM

I was wondering if you thought about attaching a condition to each of the abilities that get to chose something new at the different levels - to look for the level count for the class in question, before it allows it to be chosen. If you do that, it will look for the tag count of the class you want it to look for and when there are enough tags of that class on the hero, it will allow the choice to be made, and not before.

DeathSheep December 22nd, 2021 11:26 PM

Interesting thought. But will that impact whether the ability enables or not in the first place?

jbearwillis December 23rd, 2021 11:59 AM

Let me send you a revised data file that I did for some one on the forums for the UE War/War file, I also sent it to Fenris for the update. The person had noticed that one of the Archetypes was giving a 10th level ability at first level, I put a condition on it to only give it at 10th level or above, it worked perfectly.
All you have to do is:
1) Double click the file after downloading, and accept it to let it put it in the 5e file area.
2) Then Go into the editor and look for "COM_5ePack_UA - WarWiz" File, and bring it up in the editor.
3) Go to the Class Tab and then look in the Custom ability tab.
4) Once there go down the row to the Raven Queen and click on it to bring it up.
5) Once the Raven Queen is up and showing, go over to the bootstrap and click on it, now you should have a window up showing all the abilities the raven Queen gives.
6) Go down until you get to the Raven Shield, and look at the condition, from there it should be self explanatory on what I did to not give it until 10th level, you should be able to do that on each of the abilities that is bootstrapped for each of the different levels you want it to give a pick. Hope this helps you get to where you want to get to...

Here is the link to the hero lab file that replaces the one in there...


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