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GryphonSkald July 24th, 2021 10:34 PM

Kobold Characters are completely broken
I have reported this in a bug ticket several weeks ago but the issue is still not fixed. When you create a pathfinder 2e kobold. You cannot select the Draconic exeplar because you get the following error and there are no options that load.

Invalid tag expression('component.SelectHelp & Selection.TrueDragon & (TrueDragonChromatic | TrueDragonMetallic)') in field 'cfSelectionExpr1' on pick 'abDracoExempKob'

dacoobob July 26th, 2021 12:15 PM

a single ancestry feat being bugged hardly translates to the entire ancestry being "completely broken". you submitted a bug report, great. LW gets lots of bug reports, your particular bug will be addressed when they get to it.

Daniel V July 26th, 2021 04:09 PM

I just confirmed the bug report and that it's sorted properly. We'll get it in when we get a chance, bugs are juggled in among all the content we're working on, so sometimes it takes a bit to get to any particular one among them. We're pretty slammed right now with working on books, since Paizo is releasing a ton of content in the next few months, but we'll slip bug fixes in where we can.

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