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thaX June 4th, 2020 07:22 PM

Spell Blending
How do I trade out my two Cantrip memorizations for an additional 1st level memorization using the Spell Blending Arcane Thesis?

It spits an error when I simply mem the extra slot and leave out the two cantrips...

thaX June 8th, 2020 06:14 PM

This ability is still not working....

thaX June 16th, 2020 08:01 PM

Still not working...

Shadowfoot June 16th, 2020 09:50 PM

Have you logged a bug?

thaX June 17th, 2020 12:16 PM

I did.
I don't know if it or all the others I have done has gone through, as I have not gotten a single email in response.

Parody June 17th, 2020 01:55 PM

When you submit an issue you should get an automated response. If you don't get that response and it's not in your Spam folder (or equivalent) then they could very well have not gotten your bug report.

thaX June 17th, 2020 05:25 PM

It must be broken again then.

I put in at least ten bugs when I started of different issues, though this one is the most serious. I don't even know what they would do to effect the mechanics of the thesis. Spell labeled Spell Blending trade outs? Using the Thesis to change out the spell slots? Just not sure.

Ryan F June 18th, 2020 08:52 AM

Hey there guys,

I wanted to poke my head in to note that this isn't really so much of a bug as it is a feature/function we simply haven't been able to prioritize yet.

A big part of why it's not been implemented yet is that, well, the Spell Blending Thesis is really complex for us to roll-out and it seems as though it will require an entirely new configuration method to make functional. It can't easily or quickly be handled with dropdown selection, checkboxes, and pip menus due to the sheer amount of customization it actually affords the Wiard who uses it. That being said, I'm going to check in with the team now so we can be certain that this feature hasn't been forgotten on the back-burner with the numerous other things they are hammering away at.

Otherwise, this functionality does have a pretty easy workaround you can use until we are able to release an integrated system to handle it. First, go to the Adjustments tab, add two copies of "Spells Known/Prepared", and then set each one to be for Wizard Arcane Spellcasting. Follow this by setting one of them to be, say, -2 to level 1, and the other to be +1 to level 3. It's a bit time consuming, admittedly, but this should help accomplish the goal of adjusting your Spell Slots for the purpose of having your Spell Prep make sense and avoiding Validation Errors.

Also thaX, I'm looking at our case trackers now and I DO see that you've indeed written a number of reports and requests for our team but I fear there may be some issue going on with your email service receiving our replies, especially if you don't see the automated reply that indicates that it's been delivered to our email/case tracker. I've personally made certain to reply to each of them including the Spell Blending issue and the range of other topics you've helped bring to our attention so I wanted to leave a note here that, if possible, it may be wise to check your email filter/spam settings or switch to a different email service provider when sending in bug reports so that we can try to be certain that we can stay in contact.

Thanks again everyone!

thaX June 18th, 2020 04:13 PM

Well... I checked the spam folder, not in there. I checked and checked the in box, and it isn't in there. I did recieve Emails from Lonewolf about my purchase, and when I had some issues with HLC. (Vigilante magical child and others)

Not sure what other email service to use, as Yahoo has been my Email for almost 20 years, and the others are not any improvements in my estimation. All want the user to use the AOL type browser email service, something I found out was not viable when it was used by AOL.

thaX June 18th, 2020 04:15 PM

Oh, and thank you, btw, for updating me (and others) on the issue of the thread.

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