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Venger February 24th, 2020 05:46 AM

Newby Questions
I've been a long time RW user.
I just purchased the HLC 5eSRD, have the Community content stuff and HLC is magnificent.
Already created some chars and and npcs and integrated them into RW
But I'm a total noob when it comes to anything deeper
I realize HL is system agnostic, flexible, and there are several things I want to do, which means much learnings for me

1. I want to copy an existing chr/monster and make edits.
I want to create a pirate swarm instead of a dozen individuals to ease combat load.
I want to edit existing data, the Race: Swashbuckler, who has 3 attacks. 1 dagger, and 2 Rapier.
I want to edit so they have 1 Pistol shot then 2 club attacks (with the butt), among other things

2. We are rebooting Spelljammer and I have a suitable conversion system that I would like to start plugging into HLC to learn it so if/when official SJ is released, I have a heads up on it.

The spelljammer Im using is compatible with 5e, but much would need to be altered for a "Ship Character" so, should I work with the HLC 5e game system, or build new?
Where do I start?

Better yet is there homebrew 5e Spelljammer content available?

And finally for now, what is Campaign Theatre and how do I initiate it?

Venger February 24th, 2020 06:17 AM

So far, Ive learned to open files with the Hero Editor and looking through Races to find the Swashbuckler. I now see where copies and editing can be done

dungeonguru February 24th, 2020 06:29 AM

Welcome to the community.

There are a couple of threads and replies in this forum that you can search for to see if you can find examples.

For your question #1, once you've poked around the editor a bit you'll find that the Multiattack text is easily modified. There's a button for Natural Attacks, but if you're using equipped items you'll find that Weapon Proficiencies and Weapon/Armor Group buttons are more useful.

For question #2, It depends on if your "ship character" follows a race or class structure. A lot of people put vehicles in as NPC race entries with appropriate racial special abilities. If you plan on being able to level-up a ship or something like that class creation is a lot trickier.

I have seen some folks discuss converting Spelljammer at times but haven't heard if anyone has anything to share. I convert old Greyhawk and Planescape spells and items over all the time, and those items are generally easy to do on the Equipment tab, just find something similar to copy and learn by doing.

For your final question. Campaign Theater is something that they do in Hero Lab Online, not HLC. So it's not available for HLC although you'll notice that HLC does have some cool table tools like Encounter Builder and the Tactical Console.

Duggan February 24th, 2020 06:50 AM

The Pathfinder forum mentions at least two attempts to bring Spelljammer over (and boy do I remember that system... even read one of the books which had a fun discussion of how one might describe a color that others can't see), which may be helpful since there are similarities in how the systems are laid out.

Fenris447 February 24th, 2020 07:03 AM

One other note: don't modify the existing files. Your changes will be overwritten when a new Community Pack update is pushed. Instead, create new .user files with your modifications. Use the New (Copy) button to create copies of stuff you want to modify, like the Swashbuckler, then save that as its own new monster.

wynlyndd February 24th, 2020 08:16 AM

On a side note, I liked the old Spelljammer but I really want to see Dark Sun revived.

Venger February 24th, 2020 03:43 PM

Hello Again,

I spent several hours today and came up with normally days work worth of characters.
These are NPC's for Spelljammer

Shortly after the party assembles, they hire on as swabbies on board the pirate ship, Bombassador, which embarks on a two month salvage operation in a sacred area declared offlimits, the wrecks of a titanic space battle.

Capt'n Poumb, L8, (Giff), Pirate Captain of The Bombassador, now exists, and he has a portfolio of his officers,

Mr. Tucker, L5, (Bandit Captain warrior), Role: 1st Officer

Cutter, L5, (Warforged Warrior), Role: Quartermaster

Deadeye Dickie, L5, (HalfElf Ranger), Role: Marine Sniper

and Captn Poumb's teenage daughter BoomBoom.
Fell in love.Got her heart broke. Now shes a pirate
With a teen attitude.
BoomBoom, L1, (Giff Barbarian), Role: Brewmaster

and a Pirate Swarm for his crew, based roughly off the Swashbuckler.

Interesting mention of DarkSun. As I take a hiatus from DM to build SJ, one of my gamebuddies takes the chair to run some DarkSun.
If there were Darksun content, I know for sure he would invest in HL

Im wondering....
I copied the RAW .user file I needed to modify the Swashbuckler with to a safe folder. Created the Pirate Swarm, then added that "char" to the portfolio as a new char, then replaced the original .user file to get back to RAW

Is there a better way? I couldn't seem to export just the Swashbuckler in any way I could see.

Venger February 25th, 2020 03:28 AM

I dunno if bug reports are made here but here we go.

It has to do with the Race tab
With Warforged Race chosen,
Skill Proficiencies- I added Athletics,but it doesn't matter whats chosen

In the Skill Proficiencies table it says;
"No more skill proficiencies Allowed". ok

I get Triangle ! warning, that says;
"Race. Not enough Skill Proficiencies chosen"

If I choose another I get the warning for too many skills.

In any case, choosing warforged, the RACE tab remains red regardless of inputs tried
And if I choose another character, I get the "Other Hero !" warning

Fenris447 February 25th, 2020 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Venger (Post 286251)
Im wondering....
I copied the RAW .user file I needed to modify the Swashbuckler with to a safe folder. Created the Pirate Swarm, then added that "char" to the portfolio as a new char, then replaced the original .user file to get back to RAW

Is there a better way? I couldn't seem to export just the Swashbuckler in any way I could see.

If your modified Swashbuckler is not in a separate .user file, it's going to be deleted next update. When in the editor, there's a button on the bottom left group of buttons that says "New (Copy)". Starting with a blank, new .user file in the editor, you can use that button to find whatever you want to make a copy of.

Regarding your bugs with the Warforged, are you using the UA Warforged or the official ERftLW one? Can you post the .por file for it?

Venger February 25th, 2020 07:32 AM


If your modified Swashbuckler is not in a separate .user file, it's going to be deleted next update. When in the editor, there's a button on the bottom left group of buttons that says "New (Copy)". Starting with a blank, new .user file in the editor, you can use that button to find whatever you want to make a copy of


Regarding your bugs with the Warforged, are you using the UA Warforged or the official ERftLW one? Can you post the .por file for it?
Ahhhh... Learned something new. Different Sources.
Its the ERftLW, the other Eberron sourced warforged choices seem to be ok

Heres the.por

Thank you

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