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HakujinGrande December 7th, 2005 11:13 PM

BFG v2.0 alpha released!
I know it's been a long time coming since I took over from Warmonger,
but it's here.

Available in the User Files section, BFG v2.0alpha for AB3.1.

This release includes all the fleets in the Blue Book and Armada, as
well as other material marked core or supplemental on the Specialist
Games website.

The release notes list all of the currently supported fleets.

Keep in mind that this is an alpha level release, so a few things
might be missing or buggy, I keep finding issues as I work on it, but
I need extra eyes at this point. So what I need now is for some of you
to test out the files and provide feedback and bug reports. Post them
in this forum, or at the ab-bfg Yahoo Group.

So have at it!


deathlynx December 8th, 2005 02:29 PM

I've pulled it and fully intend to test it...thanks for all the good work!

Grantyr December 10th, 2005 02:41 PM

if I choose Venerable Battlebarge for my marine fleet, should (not sure, haven't played the actual game yet) I be able to add a Master of the Fleet to the Venerable? If so, I didn't see how to do it…

HakujinGrande December 10th, 2005 07:16 PM

The Venerable Battlebarge ships don't have their options complete yet. The fleets to which that option belongs (SM Planetary Assault, Crusade and Dominion fleets) are at best a House rule at this point, and as such have not been completed. They were previously listed as an Experimental rule, but are not currently posted in the rules section of the BFG web site.

Remember, if it's not listed in the release notes, it's not complete.

deathlynx December 11th, 2005 05:14 AM

Actually they are concidered official...they may not be up on the web but that's because they want to sell copies of Armada...They have stated that Armada is official but they probably won't put it up as part of the LRB until they feel they've squeezed every penny out of it that they can...

HakujinGrande December 11th, 2005 08:13 AM

Armada is indeed on the website, but it only includes the Codex Astartes Space Marine Fleet, the Venerable Battlebarge and the SM Planetary Assault, Crusade and Dominion fleets are not part of Armada. They were in a seperate download (originally in Fanatic 6) that is no longer available anywhere on the site, believe me I looked.

Don't worry, they will get in there eventually, I just focused on finishing the fleets whose legality wasn't in question first.

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