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MNBlockHead October 11th, 2016 07:08 PM

Sync failed due to a communications fault
I've e-mailed support, but thought I would post here in case anyone has run into this and resolved it.

I received an invite to a realm, which I accepted. Whenever I try to sync that realm I receive the error: "Sync failed due to a communications fault. Check your network connections and try again."

I've tried from multiple networks, all of which had good, solid bandwidth. No other bandwidth-greedy applications are having any issues.

I'm able to sync my main realm without getting that error.

Vargr October 11th, 2016 08:47 PM

I was/am invited to a realm by another user in these fora to have a peek (taking a wild guess here I think it is the same realm that you are trying to sync with).

From my desktop machine it works flawlessly, from my laptop I get the same error as you.

I can not figure out what the difference is or why it works on one and not the other machine.

MNBlockHead October 11th, 2016 09:19 PM

Okay, nice to know I'm not alone. :-)

Will await what the Wizards at RealmWorks suggest.

Acenoid October 12th, 2016 04:39 PM

Memory related maybe?

MNBlockHead October 12th, 2016 07:25 PM

According to support, It looks like the Realm owner who shared the realm had deleted a snippet that had been revealed and the snippet had gotten deleted but a reveal log entry about that snippet being revealed was not deleted.

So now, when I try to sync down the realm brand new, RW is trying to find that snippet but failing.

Support trying and figure out how this happened as it shouldn't have happened. They are looking at the realm file, along with server logs, and trying to piece together what failed.

I'll let you know what the resolution is.

Vargr October 12th, 2016 08:52 PM

Hmmm.... That doesn't really fit with the fact that I can sync on one machine and not the other. Unless it has to do with a lingering reveal log entry on my laptop (which only gets synched occasionally unlike the desktop which is synched regularly).

As for memory - I have 24 GiB but then, RW is only 32 bit...

rob October 13th, 2016 02:34 AM

The problem encountered by @MNBlockHead is unique to players syncing to realms where the GM deleted content that he had previously revealed to the players and the players had synced down. The issue appears to be something akin to a race condition across syncs that we need to locate and fix. Given the nature of the bug, it's distinctly possible that the problem would occur on one computer, but not another, based entirely on the timing of syncs, so the frequently synced desktop would be less likely to encounter the problem than the rarely synced laptop.

LeeSmith October 14th, 2016 08:26 AM

I believe this is now fixed.

MNBlockHead October 14th, 2016 10:41 AM

Yes. LWD resolved the issue.

Vargr October 15th, 2016 12:43 AM

It was still causing problems on my laptop.

But a delete of local data and re-synch from server solved that.


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