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Exmortis August 18th, 2016 03:51 PM

Find and Replace whole realm
Is there away to use the find and replace for the entire realm?

i.e. I have just finished Entering U1: Sinister Secret at Saltmarsh in as its own realm.

Now looking to the future, when we can copy between our own realms I may import this to my Telon campaign. However this will no longer be saltmarsh, now the adventure location is say Konarthi point.

Can you so a entire realm Find "Saltmarsh" and Replace "Konarthi Point"?

Rather than doing it topic by topic?


Acenoid August 18th, 2016 05:10 PM

Atm - you can only find words throughout the realm. To my knowledge there is no replace functionality for the whole realm. I assume that more tools become available as more actions become possible with realm interaction.

AEIOU August 18th, 2016 06:10 PM

If Saltmarsh is used as the town name, yes, you can already just change that entries name from Saltmarsh to Konarthi Point and voila.

Where you would run into trouble is if you use Saltmarsh as the town name, a storyboard link, an adventure location, etc.... Then you need to carefully do each one.

Silveras August 18th, 2016 08:26 PM

If you have used "Saltmarsh" as the name of one or more Topics, changing the name will cause the links to detect the change as you visit each linked topic.. you can then approve or reject the offer for RealmWorks to change the linked text to match the new name.

For things that are likely to be Topics and linked, a Realm-wide Find-and-Replace seems like it would risk more errors than it would add value.. especially since the system already has a mechanism to update linked text.

Acenoid August 19th, 2016 02:47 AM

I assumed OP was trying to change plain text :)

AEIOU August 19th, 2016 11:05 AM

If it was plain text and there were a lot of instances to replace, as a work around I'd recommend creating a new topic for the plain text. Save. Refresh the topics that the name/phrase is present in. Then change the name of the plain text to the new name. But otherwise, Acenoid is correct that there is no global replace that I can remember.

Any locations/people/things that are worthy of changing names should be topics anyways. Right? :)

Exmortis August 22nd, 2016 10:21 AM

Actually it would be mostly snippet text through out the entire work, but a few topic names as well.

The topic names are quick and easy to adjust, what is tedious is going into every single topic in the entire module (realm) and changing "Saltmarsh" to a new name.

For reference, the "Whole Realm" is the just the Module. I have entered T1-4, U1, U2 and almost finished U3 all as their own realm. Reason for this is, I am inputting them in their original form, no matter what edition of D&D or AD&D they were written in.

The idea is, I can use them in any campaign world in the future, and just "import them", then update them. Find and Replacement of text would be paramount to integration into any game world, like Saltmarsh to Konarthi Point or what ever.

Next up G1-3 Against the Giants.

Silveras August 22nd, 2016 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Exmortis (Post 233746)
Actually it would be mostly snippet text through out the entire work, but a few topic names as well.

The topic names are quick and easy to adjust, what is tedious is going into every single topic in the entire module (realm) and changing "Saltmarsh" to a new name.

For reference, the "Whole Realm" is the just the Module. I have entered T1-4, U1, U2 and almost finished U3 all as their own realm. Reason for this is, I am inputting them in their original form, no matter what edition of D&D or AD&D they were written in.

The idea is, I can use them in any campaign world in the future, and just "import them", then update them. Find and Replacement of text would be paramount to integration into any game world, like Saltmarsh to Konarthi Point or what ever.

Next up G1-3 Against the Giants.

Right.. well.. my confusion is on this point:

Saltmarsh is the name of the town where the adventure takes place. It is the base from which the PCs will operate from some time.

So, that being said, it is something that I would certainly create a "Settlement" Topic for. Thereafter, almost all references to "Saltmarsh" would link to it, or to another Topic (such as "Saltmarsh Merchants' Guild" or the like).

For these examples, pretty much ANY snippet text that referred to "Saltmarsh" (or to the other, similarly important names) I would expect and want to have RealmWorks link to the Topics. In that case, changing the Topic names (manually, yes) would cascade the updates to the linked text (or at least offer to).

Maybe the text you used in the example isn't the best choice for your point. Being familiar with the modules you're talking about, I would certainly make sure that I linked all text references to the relevant Topics, so that they could auto-update if I changed the names.

Example: (I'm going to make this detailed for any new users who come along and read it, while I am at it)
  1. I create a Realm for the "Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh"
  2. In that Realm, I create a Settlement Topic named "Saltmarsh", as well as an Individual Topic named "Silveras", which has text "Silveras has lived in Saltmarsh for his entire life," and make similar entries in a dozen or so other snippets. In the Realm Home Topic, I add "Saltmarsh" to the list of important locations.
  3. When I save each of these Topics, RealmWorks tells me that "Saltmarsh" is the name of a Topic, and offers to link the text in the Individual and the Realm Home Topics to the Saltmarsh topic. I accept both.
  4. Later, once the Content Market is available, I want to import my "Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" Realm into a Realm for a new campaign.
  5. I do so, and decide to change the name of Saltmarsh to "Konarthi Point".
  6. My Realm Home page from "Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" did not import (at this point, since a Realm has only one Home Page, I assume anything put on one you intend to import later is probably wasted.. but we don't know, really). However, "Silveras" the Individual did.
  7. I click on that Topic, and RealmWorks informs me that the link referred to by the text "Saltmarsh" has changed... and I can change the link text or ignore it and leave it as is. That change appears in text in a dozen snippets on "Silveras".
  8. I choose to accept the change, and RealmWorks changes the text to "Konarthi Point" seamlessly.

So... RealmWorks already does what you want for Topic names if you link... hence, my confusion as it sounds like you want something else? I mean, it will change the text as you access each topic... is it necessary for some reason to have it all changed before access it?

Also, we don't know exactly how the Content Market will work, so it may be premature to enter a lot of things in small portions. For example, Saltmarsh, if I recall correctly, figures in both U1 and U2 adventures. If you enter it into each, you are likely to end up with 2 separate entries named "Saltmarsh" when you import them into a new Realm to run both adventures for a campaign.. because, behind the scenes, the topics are assigned Unique Identifiers for your Realm (the support for which is part of the reason why access to the Server is required to create a new Realm). The name(s) you assign are used for searches, but in the end, the Unique ID (UID) on the server identifies a specific Topic ... and is what would allow you to re-name Topics while still having updates to the parent Realm "propagate" to the new ones (discussed a long time ago during the Kickstarter, if I recall.. and may not be meaningful anymore).

Organizationally, it may be desirable to have a Realm for the town of Saltmarsh, and then Realms for just the adventures. The two adventure realms then both import the one Saltmarsh realm, or something like that.

While I am eager to do some of the same kinds of preparation that you are, I am holding off until we know more about how the Content Market will work.

Gord August 24th, 2016 08:32 AM

Very nice summary of the process for new users Silveras.

Acenoid August 24th, 2016 01:41 PM

The reason to change it beforehand is that you don't get bothered with popups during a gamesession because the name has changed.

It's a good idea to wait before doing too much work if you plan on buying from the content market I think.

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